Omni Hypnosis brings you both real and virtual sessions at your comfort.

Spiritual Hypnosis

Spiritual Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness where individuals reach a state of self-awareness with altered brainwave frequency. The purpose of spiritual hypnosis is to gain awareness about your life, soul journey, soul contracts, purpose, find “WHYs” of various issues and adjust the frequency that transcends into positive changes of life on earth.  It focuses their attention on a consciously chosen goal, activating both the subconscious and superconscious mind. This approach delves into the higher existence of the soul and spirit, allowing elevated consciousness to access information about spiritual growth, answers, and life purposes.

Arrati Tuteja guides you on a journey to unravel the mysteries of your life, connecting you with the desires and intentions of your soul for lasting change. Potential Unlimited sessions open the path to the subconscious and superconscious mind, breaking through blocks, seeking answers to pains and unresolved issues, promoting higher learning, unlocking your highest potential, and finding your life’s purpose.

Arrati Tuteja offers spiritual hypnosis with Ultra-Height®- Past life Regression, Simpson protocol, Life between life Hypnosis Techniques, some of the best hypnotic techniques available. It utilises deep trance states (like Esdaile, Simpson Protocol, and Ultra-Depth) for total physical relaxation and heightened awareness, accessing the higher mind to help clients resolve their problems.

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